

Welcome to Novus Intervest LLC, where innovation meets exceptional user experience. As a leading force in the development and monetization of cutting-edge browser extensions, we are dedicated to empowering users and elevating their online search capabilities. Our team of experts combines extensive industry knowledge with a passion for delivering high-quality, user-focused solutions that enrich and streamline your browsing experience.

At Novus Intervest LLC, we pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to user satisfaction, privacy, and transparency. Our team of skilled professionals works diligently to create innovative browser extensions that not only enhance search functionality but also respect user privacy. We achieve this by collecting the bare minimum of data necessary and maintaining absolute transparency in our data usage practices.

Our products are designed to seamlessly integrate with your browsing habits, providing relevant and targeted ads based on your search queries. By doing so, we offer a more intuitive and engaging user experience that is always aligned with Google's Chrome Web Store policies.

With a proven track record in the industry, our team's expertise and dedication to excellence have earned us the trust and loyalty of countless users worldwide. At NORVUS, we continue to push the boundaries of browser extension development and monetization, always striving to surpass expectations and redefine the future of online search experiences.